Henry David Thoreau

“Live your life, do your work, then take your hat.”

This remark serves as a good reminder for me personally to balance all of life’s responsibilities. It motivates me to work hard and fulfill my obligations, but it also serves as a reminder to take care of myself and appreciate the little things, as demonstrated by the image of removing my hat and unwinding after a long day at the office.

“Men go back to the mountains, as they go back to sailing ships at sea, because in the mountains and on the sea they must face up.”

Since it acknowledges the innate human desire for challenges and adventures, this quote really speaks to me. It serves as a reminder that meeting and surmounting obstacles can help one change for the better, whether they are found on land or at sea. In order to fully appreciate life’s beauty, it emphasizes the value of pushing oneself beyond of their comfort zone.

“If I knew for a certainty that a man was coming to my house with the conscious design of doing me good, I should run for my life.”

I saw this quote as a reflection on the complexity and unpredictability of human motives. It implies that despite having excellent intentions, a person’s activities could not always have a favorable effect. It serves as a reminder to use caution and discernment in my contacts with people, to not just rely on their good intentions but to also carefully consider their actions and their effects.

“Humor, however broad and genial, takes a narrower view than enthusiasm.”

The different viewpoints and ways to life are discussed in this quote, in my opinion. It implies that while humor can be fun and lighthearted, it might not always be able to express the depth and fervor of excitement. It serves as a reminder to me to value and embrace both the humorous and serious sides of life, as well as to acknowledge the intrinsic worth of many feelings and viewpoints.

“The lawyer’s truth is not Truth, but consistency or a consistent expediency.”

This quotation makes me think about how complicated truth is and how it may be interpreted and presented in many situations. It implies that the truth spoken in a formal context such as a courtroom or workplace may not necessarily coincide with the unvarnished truth but may instead be molded by consistency or practicality.
